
Before the renovations had been completed, the earlier community sat down together and discussed some things we wanted as foundational thoughts, ideals and goals. We discussed three key areas;

What is an altar?

What does our community look like?

What does our worship look like?

What is an Altar?

willingness, sacrifice, a doorway, voluntary, letting go, exchange, surrender, habitation, resonance, transaction, permanence, multiplication, transparency, solid foundation, connection point, unlimited access, corporate surrender, corporate engagement


What does our worship look like?

skill, love, serve, grace, equity, follow, submit, honour, explore, support, integrity, freedom, relationship, vulnerability, all are leaders, communication, commitment to relationship, where the Spirit goes we go, worship is not limited to music, being comfortable with being uncomfortable, at anytime all kids are free to worship, roam & explore


What does our community look like?

Our Commitments: collective sense of ownership, global connection and impact, accountability, contribution, wholeness, generosity, relevance

Our pillars of success: helping and nurturing one another, valuing and honouring children, empowerment, vulnerability, friendship, trust

Our Values: fun, love, unity, identity, honour, trading, sonship, character, adaptability, connectedness, organic structure, prosperity/wealth, everyone plays a part, submit to one another, celebrate each other’s strengths, financial transparency including plans, a clear sense of individual and collective, authenticity in musical and creative worship

Our Intentions: doing business and working together, creating and developing our own sound, learn and grow together, fun/family activities, community projects, educating children, doing life together, changed thinking, investment, fellowship

Our Objectives: legacy, shared vision, togetherness, cross pollination, flourishing together, backing one another, long term relationship, collective multiplication and shared wisdom, dialogue not monologue, autonomous empowerment, empowerment of leadership, clarity and support of direction, purpose, dreams & calling, each person brings what they carry

Our Leadership Responsibility: consistent empowerment for new leadership, communicate clear collective purpose and direction