Community Gatherings

  • Worship/kai, bring a plate, 4:00 - 6:00pm (ish) first Sunday of each month

  • Open worship night, 7:30 - 9:00pm third Tuesday of each month. This night is an open invitation from the worship team and The Centre council to worship and engage with us as the worship team practices and engages.

Click contact us to see when our next meeting is!


What to Expect

We’re all about relationship, that’s at the core of everything we do. With that in mind, things you might expect to be doing at our gatherings:

Praying in tongues, musical worship, being taught, teaching, small group or corporate discussion, Q&A, kai, partaking in corporate engagement or protocol, prayer, trading, by faith activations or anything else that has to do with building relationship with Yahweh.

As a local community “we’ve never been here before,” as Ian says. We’ve never had our own local space to do what Yahweh is calling us to do. With that in mind, we do out best to do what Yahweh’s saying at any given moment. Of course planning and thought still goes into each gathering, predominantly by Ian at this stage, but we’re not bound by any certain “church structures.”